Virginia Public Guardian and Conservator Programs: Evaulation of Program Status and Outcomes, Executive Summary

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Virginia Department for the Aging


The Virginia Public Guardian and Conservator Programs were established by law in 1997 in § 2.1-373.10 - § 2.1-373.14 of the Virginia Code. The 10 local programs, chosen through a request for proposal (RFP) process, are administered by the Virginia Department for the Aging. A mandated evaluation of the 10 Virginia Public Guardian and Conservator Programs was conducted over a two-year period, 2001-2002. Data were collected at approximately the same time during the fall of 2001 (Year 1) and 2002 (Year 2). Information was gathered from the programs using a password protected, web-based data collection system designed especially for this project. Five unique survey instruments were developed gather information about the administrative structure and functions of the programs, ward characteristics, the interface between the programs and wards. All of the programs participated in the Year 1 data collection; in Year 2, one of the programs chose to submit data in response to only one (i.e., Agency Profile) of the five evaluation tools (i.e., Agency Profile, Ward Assessment, Ward Care Plan, Administrative Time Log, and Ward Time Log).


