Role of fluids in geological processes

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Virginia Tech


Water and other volatiles (e.g. CO2, H2, CH4, etc.) are crucial components on Earth that ensure the habitability of the planet and play an important role in many geological processes. Small aliquots of these fluids can be preserved in the geological record as fluid inclusions and can provide valuable information about the physical and chemical environment in which they formed. The ocean is the largest water reservoir on the Earth's surface, and seawater participates in important water-rock reactions such as hydrothermal alteration of the ocean floor, a process that is currently in the spotlight for hypotheses on the origin of life, as it is an environment where generation of abiotic carbohydrates occur. The ocean chemistry varied in the geologic past to reflect major changes in the intensity of weathering, rates of midocean ridge hydrothermal discharge, changes in the climate and atmospheric CO2 concentration, and also played an important part in mass extinction events. Understanding the history of Earth's ancient oceans may hold the key to answer some of the important questions about the future of the Earth. Today, oceans hold valuable resources, such as offshore basalt formations which have been considered for submarine CO2 sequestration to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions associated with global warming. In the chapters of this dissertation, the reader will be presented with studies using fluid inclusions to advance our knowledge about the chemical evolution of seawater and reaction kinetics involving CO2, seawater and olivine – an abundant mineral in the oceanic lithosphere. Chapter I "Redox conditions in Late Permian seawater based on trace element ratios in fluid inclusions in halite from the Polish Zechstein Basin" describes application of a new redox proxy for paleo-seawater that involves analysis of redox-sensitive trace elements (e.g., Fe, Mn, U, V, Mo) in ancient seawater trapped as fluid inclusions in halite. Chapter II "Partitioning behavior of trace elements during evaporation of seawater" investigates the behavior of trace elements during the evaporation of seawater. This information is required to interpret trace element data from fluid inclusions in halite. In Chapter III "In situ monitoring of the carbonation of olivine under conditions relevant to carbon capture and storage using synthetic fluid inclusion micro-reactors: Determination of reaction rates", fluid inclusions are used as micro-reactors to monitor the reaction progress of olivine carbonation in situ and in real time at elevated temperatures (50-200 °C) and pressures using non-destructive analytical techniques such as Raman spectroscopy.



Fluid inclusions, Permian seawater, Halite, Anoxia, Trace elements, Seawater evaporation, Olivine carbonation, Raman spectroscopy, Reaction rates
