Nuclear and particle interactions to multi-messenger signals: Core-collapse supernovae
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Multi-messenger astronomy began when a massive star underwent core collapse in a neighboring dwarf galaxy, whose light and neutrinos reached Earth in 1987. Supernova 1987A was observed optically but was also observed through roughly two dozen neutrinos. Modern instruments have the ability to measure electromagnetic signatures in more wavelengths and detect many more neutrinos from a nearby core-collapse supernova, providing insight into an astrophysical phenomena that is not yet fully understood. In this dissertation, we discuss predictions for future core-collapse supernova signals and the nuclear and particle interactions that produce them. We focus on several different aspects related to both typical and rare supernovae.
The diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB) - the isotropic background of ~10 MeV neutrinos from all past supernovae - is one such signal that does not rely on a local event for neutrino detection. We update several aspects of theoretical DSNB modeling by (i) using simulation data to better understand neutrino emission spectra as a function of time, (ii) collating recent star formation rate measurements to infer the rate of core collapse in the cosmos, and (iii) performing a signal vs. background analysis of state-of-the-art neutrino experiments. We find that the DSNB is likely to be detected in the next two decades, but large uncertainty on the average neutrino emission spectra combined with unclear treatment of background events prevents a precise timeline.
We also discuss the signatures from rare supernovae driven by magnetorotational engines called protomagnetars. We find that outflows from these central engines can produce pions through inelastic np interactions, resulting in ~0.1 - 10 GeV neutrinos that are detectable for galactic supernovae. We also find that these outflows can synthesize heavier nuclei than traditional supernovae through the `weak r-process.' We compare the nucleosynthesis in supernova outflows to that in compact object mergers and find that mergers are more conducive for creating the heaviest nuclei. We also predict the detection rates of another kind of transient called kilonovae that are powered by the decay of unstable nuclei. Finally, these protomagnetar systems may be able to accelerate nuclei in relativistic jets. If these jets are beamed toward us, the gamma ray lines from the decays of unstable nuclei can be boosted to high energies and are detectable from extragalactic distances.