Identifying Principal Leadership Practices to Effectively Support Gifted Learners and Gifted Programs

dc.contributor.authorBanks, Dora Maeen
dc.contributor.committeechairCash, Carol S.en
dc.contributor.committeechairPrice, Ted S.en
dc.contributor.committeememberEarthman, Glen I.en
dc.contributor.committeememberKelly, Michael D.en
dc.contributor.committeememberTwiford, Travis W.en
dc.contributor.departmentCounselor Educationen
dc.description.abstractThe success of gifted learners and gifted programs in public schools depends upon principals who are well versed in the needs of gifted learners (Gallagher and Gallagher, 1994). Principal leadership in setting direction, developing people, and redesigning the organization influences teaching and student achievement in schools (Leithwood et al., 2004). Research indicated limited knowledge of the unique social-emotional and academic needs of the gifted learner contributing to underachievement and underrepresentation in gifted education (Lewis, et al., 2007; Reis and McCoach, 2000; Rimm, 2008; Siegle and McCoach 2003). The purpose of this Delphi study was to identify principal leadership practices that are effective in supporting gifted learners and gifted programs. Empirical data collection included three Delphi rounds, one open and two-structured principal leadership practices surveys, one included individual and panel ratings. Supervisors of gifted, principals, and university professors represented multiple regions across the Commonwealth of Virginia on the Delphi panel. By consensus, the Delphi panel identified 10 highly effective principal leadership practices, eight to support gifted learners and two for gifted programs. The highly effective principal leadership practices addressed social-emotional, curriculum, teacher differentiation, scheduling for staff collaboration, peer grouping, and selecting gifted cluster teachers. Implications for practice included teacher reluctance to differentiate, targeted professional development for principals and teachers of gifted students, professional learning community for teachers to analyze practices, and district and school opportunities in hiring, acceleration, and compacting curriculum (Urlik, 2017; Weber et al. 2003). Future research recommended studying implementation and impact of the 10 highly effective principal leadership practices in this study, gifted programs, and professional development in gifted education and principal and teacher preparation programs.en
dc.description.abstractgeneralThe purpose of this study was to identify principal leadership strategies that experts in the field of education thought were effective in supporting gifted learners and gifted programs. The experts included: school principals, supervisors of gifted programs, and university professors from three regions in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The experts in the study were from: Northern Virginia, Central Virginia, and the Tidewater Region. All the experts had knowledge and experience working with gifted students and gifted programs. Essentially, it is important for school principals to provide instructional support to all groups of students which should include gifted learners (Gallagher and Gallagher, 1994). The research technique involved the Delphi Method which used three rounds of questionnaires to receive input from the panel of experts. Yousef (2007) determined that the Delphi Method provided an opportunity for a panel of experts to handle a complex problem without being in the same location. By consensus, the expert panel identified 10 highly effective principal leadership practices, eight to support gifted learners and two for gifted programs. The eight highly effective leadership practices included practices such as: principals providing feedback to teachers, principals ensuring gifted students get their social emotional needs met, principals modeling a good attitude toward gifted students and avoiding special treatment remembering that gifted students are very sensitive in nature. Additional highly effective principal leadership practices in support of gifted learners were to have principals ensure that teachers provide something different instructionally in the classroom for gifted learners such as being able to move at a faster pace through the curriculum, work independently and or work in small groups if appropriate. The two highly effective principal leadership practices in support of gifted programs determined that principals select teachers of gifted students with the same care as they would regular education and special education teachers. The second highly effective principal leadership practice meant principals should ensure gifted learners are receiving a different curriculum and students’ strengths and areas of growth are the focus.en
dc.description.degreeDoctor of Educationen
dc.publisherVirginia Techen
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subjectGifted Educationen
dc.subjectGifted Programsen
dc.subjectPrincipal Leadershipen
dc.titleIdentifying Principal Leadership Practices to Effectively Support Gifted Learners and Gifted Programsen
dc.typeDissertationen Leadership and Policy Studiesen Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen of Educationen


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