Enhanced induced strain actuator performance through discrete attachment to structural elements

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Virginia Tech


In intelligent structures, structural deformation is generally controlled by either embedding or surface bonding the induced strain actuator to the structure. With bonded or embedded actuators used for inducing flexure, the developed in-plane force contributes indirectly through a locally-generated moment. Control authority in this configuration is thus limited by actuator offset distance. The focus of this research was to investigate a new concept in which the actuator, as opposed to being bonded, is attached to the structure at discrete points. This configuration is fundamentally different from the bonded/embedded configuration in that the actuator and the structure between the two discrete points can deform independently; and the in-plane force of the actuator, which contributes only indirectly in the case of bonded actuator, can directly influence out-of-plane displacements of the structure. Additionally, the actuator offset distance can be optimized with respect to actuator force/strain saturation for increased authority.

Two implementations of this concept as applied to beam structures were investigated. In the first, the actuator (e.g., shape memory alloy actuator wire) does not possess any flexural stiffness; and therefore, remains straight between the two attachment points. In the second implementation, the actuator (PZT's and electrostrictive) possesses flexural stiffness, and bends with the structure. The formulation and experimental results for both implementations are presented. Enhanced authority is demonstrated by comparing the static response of the discretely attached actuator beam systems with their bonded counterpart systems.


