Machine Learning Approaches for Modeling and Correction of Confounding Effects in Complex Biological Data

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Virginia Tech


With the huge volume of biological data generated by new technologies and the booming of new machine learning based analytical tools, we expect to advance life science and human health at an unprecedented pace. Unfortunately, there is a significant gap between the complex raw biological data from real life and the data required by mathematical and statistical tools. This gap is contributed by two fundamental and universal problems in biological data that are both related to confounding effects. The first is the intrinsic complexities of the data. An observed sample could be the mixture of multiple underlying sources and we may be only interested in one or part of the sources. The second type of complexities come from the acquisition process of the data. Different samples may be gathered at different time and/or from different locations. Therefore, each sample is associated with specific distortion that must be carefully addressed. These confounding effects obscure the signals of interest in the acquired data. Specifically, this dissertation will address the two major challenges in confounding effects removal: alignment and deconvolution.

Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is a standard method for proteomics and metabolomics analysis of biological samples. Unfortunately, it suffers from various changes in the retention time (RT) of the same compound in different samples, and these must be subsequently corrected (aligned) during data processing. Classic alignment methods such as in the popular XCMS package often assume a single time-warping function for each sample. Thus, the potentially varying RT drift for compounds with different masses in a sample is neglected in these methods. Moreover, the systematic change in RT drift across run order is often not considered by alignment algorithms. Therefore, these methods cannot effectively correct all misalignments. To utilize this information, we develop an integrated reference-free profile alignment method, neighbor-wise compound-specific Graphical Time Warping (ncGTW), that can detect misaligned features and align profiles by leveraging expected RT drift structures and compound-specific warping functions. Specifically, ncGTW uses individualized warping functions for different compounds and assigns constraint edges on warping functions of neighboring samples. We applied ncGTW to two large-scale metabolomics LC-MS datasets, which identifies many misaligned features and successfully realigns them. These features would otherwise be discarded or uncorrected using existing methods.

When the desired signal is buried in a mixture, deconvolution is needed to recover the pure sources. Many biological questions can be better addressed when the data is in the form of individual sources, instead of mixtures. Though there are some promising supervised deconvolution methods, when there is no a priori information, unsupervised deconvolution is still needed. Among current unsupervised methods, Convex Analysis of Mixtures (CAM) is the most theoretically solid and strongest performing one. However, there are some major limitations of this method. Most importantly, the overall time complexity can be very high, especially when analyzing a large dataset or a dataset with many sources. Also, since there are some stochastic and heuristic steps, the deconvolution result is not accurate enough. To address these problems, we redesigned the modules of CAM. In the feature clustering step, we propose a clustering method, radius-fixed clustering, which could not only control the space size of the cluster, but also find out the outliers simultaneously. Therefore, the disadvantages of K-means clustering, such as instability and the need of cluster number are avoided. Moreover, when identifying the convex hull, we replace Quickhull with linear programming, which decreases the computation time significantly. To avoid the not only heuristic but also approximated step in optimal simplex identification, we propose a greedy search strategy instead. The experimental results demonstrate the vast improvement of computation time. The accuracy of the deconvolution is also shown to be higher than the original CAM.



bioinformatics, multiple alignment, deconvolution, unsupervised learning, convex analysis, feature selection, tissue heterogeneity
