Some Advanced Semiparametric Single-index Modeling for Spatially-Temporally Correlated Data

dc.contributor.authorMahmoud, Hamdy F. F.en
dc.contributor.committeechairKim, Inyoungen
dc.contributor.committeememberTerrell, George R.en
dc.contributor.committeememberDu, Pangen
dc.contributor.committeememberSmith, Eric P.en
dc.description.abstractSemiparametric modeling is a hybrid of the parametric and nonparametric modelings where some function forms are known and others are unknown. In this dissertation, we have made several contributions to semiparametric modeling based on the single index model related to the following three topics: the first is to propose a model for detecting change points simultaneously with estimating the unknown function; the second is to develop two models for spatially correlated data; and the third is to further develop two models for spatially-temporally correlated data. To address the first topic, we propose a unified approach in its ability to simultaneously estimate the nonlinear relationship and change points. We propose a single index change point model as our unified approach by adjusting for several other covariates. We nonparametrically estimate the unknown function using kernel smoothing and also provide a permutation based testing procedure to detect multiple change points. We show the asymptotic properties of the permutation testing based procedure. The advantage of our approach is demonstrated using the mortality data of Seoul, Korea from January, 2000 to December, 2007. On the second topic, we propose two semiparametric single index models for spatially correlated data. One additively separates the nonparametric function and spatially correlated random effects, while the other does not separate the nonparametric function and spatially correlated random effects. We estimate these two models using two algorithms based on Markov Chain Expectation Maximization algorithm. Our approaches are compared using simulations, suggesting that the semiparametric single index nonadditive model provides more accurate estimates of spatial correlation. The advantage of our approach is demonstrated using the mortality data of six cities, Korea from January, 2000 to December, 2007. The third topic involves proposing two semiparametric single index models for spatially and temporally correlated data. Our first model has the nonparametric function which can separate from spatially and temporally correlated random effects. We refer it to "semiparametric spatio-temporal separable single index model (SSTS-SIM)", while the second model does not separate the nonparametric function from spatially correlated random effects but separates the time random effects. We refer our second model to "semiparametric nonseparable single index model (SSTN-SIM)". Two algorithms based on Markov Chain Expectation Maximization algorithm are introduced to simultaneously estimate parameters, spatial effects, and times effects. The proposed models are then applied to the mortality data of six major cities in Korea. Our results suggest that SSTN-SIM is more flexible than SSTS-SIM because it can estimate various nonparametric functions while SSTS-SIM enforces the similar nonparametric curves. SSTN-SIM also provides better estimation and prediction.en
dc.description.degreePh. D.en
dc.publisherVirginia Techen
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subjectChange Pointen
dc.subjectGeneralized Linear Modelen
dc.subjectGeneralized Additive Modelen
dc.subjectMarkov Chain Expectation Maximizationen
dc.subjectMixed modelen
dc.subjectPermutation Testen
dc.subjectSemiparametric regressionen
dc.subjectSingle Index modelen
dc.subjectSpatially correlated dataen
dc.subjectSpatio-temporal data.en
dc.titleSome Advanced Semiparametric Single-index Modeling for Spatially-Temporally Correlated Dataen
dc.typeDissertationen Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen D.en


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