A Comprehensive Analysis of Deep Learning for Interference Suppression, Sample and Model Complexity in Wireless Systems
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The wireless spectrum is limited and the demand for its use is increasing due to technological advancements in wireless communication, resulting in persistent interference issues. Despite progress in addressing interference, it remains a challenge for effective spectrum usage, particularly in the use of license-free and managed shared bands and other opportunistic spectrum access solutions. Therefore, efficient and interference-resistant spectrum usage schemes are critical. In the past, most interference solutions have relied on avoidance techniques and expert system-based mitigation approaches. Recently, researchers have utilized artificial intelligence/machine learning techniques at the physical (PHY) layer, particularly deep learning, which suppress or compensate for the interfering signal rather than simply avoiding it. In addition, deep learning has been utilized by researchers in recent years to address various difficult problems in wireless communications such as, transmitter classification, interference classification and modulation recognition, amongst others. To this end, this dissertation presents a thorough analysis of deep learning techniques for interference classification and suppression, and it thoroughly examines complexity (sample and model) issues that arise from using deep learning. First, we address the knowledge gap in the literature with respect to the state-of-the-art in deep learning-based interference suppression. To account for the limitations of deep learning-based interference suppression techniques, we discuss several challenges, including lack of interpretability, the stochastic nature of the wireless channel, issues with open set recognition (OSR) and challenges with implementation. We also provide a technical discussion of the prominent deep learning algorithms proposed in the literature and also offer guidelines for their successful implementation. Next, we investigate convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures for interference and transmitter classification tasks. In particular, we utilize a CNN architecture to classify interference, investigate model complexity of CNN architectures for classifying homogeneous and heterogeneous devices and then examine their impact on test accuracy. Next, we explore the issues with sample size and sample quality with regards to the training data in deep learning. In doing this, we also propose a rule-of-thumb for transmitter classification using CNN based on the findings from our sample complexity study. Finally, in cases where interference cannot be avoided, it is important to suppress such interference. To achieve this, we build upon autoencoder work from other fields to design a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based autoencoder model to suppress interference thereby ensuring coexistence of different wireless technologies in both licensed and unlicensed bands.