A Qualitative Approach Toward Understanding the Transition from Career to Fulltime Motherhood


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Virginia Tech


The dissertation begins by discussing the essence of the current study, which sought to accurately portray the experiences and realities of fulltime mothers, followed by a comprehensive literature review surrounding issues pertinent in motherhood. Subsequently, an explanation of the methodological approach utilized in the current study is provided, in addition to the overview of a pilot study which exemplified potential themes, obstacles, and assets anticipated within the actual research. The case studies of four women chosen to represent issues relevant to fulltime mothers are presented. Finally, the creation of a substantive Stay-at-home-mothering (i.e., SAHM) Model is offered, along with two SAHM portraits and a conclusion section, which includes an implications section along with an exploration of the personal discoveries made by the current researcher.



Stay-at-home mother, Mother-child bond, Career-related issues, Mothering
