Introduction to the Special Issue “The Intersection of Society and Watershed Science”

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Despite significant advances in watershed science and technology, water availability, water quality, and water related health problems remain a significant worldwide concern [1]. While the concept of watershed-scale management to address these concerns remains intact, most scientists recognize that application of natural science concepts and advanced technologies are not sufficient to adequately address watershed-scale water management issues. There is a significant need for a paradigm shift, i.e., namely increased public interaction and participation in watershed management and decision-making. The effective application of an integrated approach requires developing new scientific concepts on integration of natural and social sciences. In recent years, concepts, such as integrated watershed management and/or holistic approaches to water resource management, have been widely promoted (e.g., [2–6]). [...]




Younos, T.; Parece, T.E.; Armel, A.J. Introduction to the Special Issue “The Intersection of Society and Watershed Science”. Hydrology 2015, 2, 132-133.