Technological Innovations for Mid-Atlantic Cropping Systems

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Virginia Tech


Greater projected demand for food, fuel, and fiber will require substantial increases in global agricultural production over the next three decades. Climate change is also forecasted to make weather events more extreme and variable. Efficiency will become more important as demand for food products increases and the availability of fertilizer and land decreases. Technology may be of paramount importance for pushing the boundaries of production while remaining sustainable for generations to come. The first chapter of this dissertation investigated the importance of rate and timing of the plant growth regulator trinexapac-ethyl to malting barley in Virginia. Plant growth regulators can help plants remain upright during strong winds, thereby preserving grain quality and yield. However, this study demonstrated that risks of plant injury also exist. Application should be restricted to fields with greater risk of lodging and made only after the barley crop has broken dormancy and a substantial increase in air temperature is not forecasted in the week following application. Chapter two compared the efficacy of eight vegetation indices calculated from three satellites (Landsat 8, Sentinel 2, and Planet) for estimating cover crop biomass. Cover crops can have beneficial effects on agricultural land as well as groundwater and surface water, but only when adequate biomass is established to reduce erosion and nutrient leaching. Satellite imagery was able to estimate multi-species cover crop biomass more accurately than field-based sensors, although the most accurate vegetation index was dependent upon which satellite was being tested. Chapter three investigated the potential of Arabidopsis thaliana ipk1-, a loss-of-function mutant which exhibits decreased growth at elevated phosphorus concentration, for serving as in indicator of plant available phosphorus. An indicator crop could provide greater spatial resolution compared to soil testing, as well as represent plant available nutrients as opposed to chemically extracted nutrient estimations. Plant response exhibited a quadratic relationship with media P concentration in the range of fertilizer decision making for maize, providing valuable insight for potential yield response in agricultural fields below 'very high' phosphorus concentration.



malt barley, plant growth regulator, trinexapac-ethyl, remote sensing, satellite imagery, spatial resolution, vegetation indices, cover crop biomass, indicator cop, phosphorus sensitive mutant, Arabidopsis thaliana ipk1-
