Ensuring Melt Track Width Consistency and Crack-Free Conditions Using Interpass-Temperature-Dependent Process Parameters for Wire-Arc-Directed Energy-Deposited Inconel 718


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Melt track width can vary in a wire-arc-directed energy-deposited material (DED) using a constant set of process parameters, leading to a lower-quality build. In this work, a novel framework is proposed that uses the data from the process parameter development stage to create optimized process parameters for a target layer width at different interpass temperatures without hot cracking. Inconel 718 is used as the model material since it is known to suffer from hot cracking during DED processing. In the proposed framework, a process window containing a few sets of process parameters (torch travel speed and wire feed rate) is established for crack-free deposition of Inconel 718, and these parameters are used to create a small database. A linear regression model is then employed to generate interpass-temperature-specific optimized process parameters for a target melt track width. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach can reduce the melt track width variation in the deposited walls from 12% to 3% error on average under different printing conditions. It also demonstrates that interpass temperature (IPT) can be used as a controlled variable and the optimized process parameters as initial values when applying control techniques to the process.



additive manufacturing, wire-arc DED, Inconel 718, WAAM


Jimenez, X.A.; Song, J.; Fu, Y.; To, A.C. Ensuring Melt Track Width Consistency and Crack-Free Conditions Using Interpass-Temperature-Dependent Process Parameters for Wire-Arc-Directed Energy-Deposited Inconel 718. J. Manuf. Mater. Process. 2024, 8, 140.