Battery-Based Intrusion Detection

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Virginia Tech


This dissertation proposes an efficacious early warning system via a mobile host-based form of intrusion detection that can alert security administrators to protect their corporate network(s) by a novel technique that operates through the implementation of smart battery-based intrusion detection (B-bid) on mobile devices, such as PDAs, HandPCs and smart-phones by correlating attacks with their impact on device power consumption. A host intrusion detection engine (HIDE) monitors power behavior to detect potential intrusions by noting consumption irregularities and serves like a sensor to trigger other forms of protection. HIDE works in conjunction with a Scan Port Intrusion Engine (SPIE) that ascertains the IP and port source of the attack and with a host analysis signature trace engine (HASTE) that determines the energy signature of the attack and correlates it to a variety of the most common attacks to provide additional protection and alerts to both mobile hosts and their network.



Host-Based, Wireless, Intrusion Detection, Mobile, Power, Security
