Triple Helix Relations in Local and International Scientific Collaborations: A Case Study of Thailand, the United States, and China
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Local and international scientific collaborations are crucial for innovation and sustainable development. However, there is a gap in understanding how these collaborations affect national innovation ecosystems. This study examines the dynamics of Triple Helix Relations, focusing on collaborations within Thailand and its international partnerships with the United States and China from 2006 to 2022. I use Shannon's mutual information, enhanced by Loet Leydesdorff, to analyze the synergy among various local sectors and conduct interviews with eighteen researchers and policymakers, utilizing Latour and Woolgar's cycle of credibility. The study delves deeply into the complexities of collaboration dynamics and motivations. The analysis reveals nuanced patterns of collaboration, spanning both within Thailand and across international boundaries. I distinguish collaborations based on the nationality of partners (Thai-China vs. Thai-U.S.) and subject areas (engineering, medicine, agricultural and biological sciences). The findings show significant variation in collaboration patterns depending on these factors. Universities are the main contributors to scientific publications, while the Thai government is more active in medicine and collaborations with the United States. Industry is more engaged in agricultural, biological sciences, and engineering, especially with China. One recurring theme that emerges from our interviews is the importance of relationship networks as significant assets in collaborative endeavors. Different credibility resources and networks yield varying levels of negotiation power and influence dynamics in different collaborative settings. Understanding these dynamics could assist smaller countries like Thailand in devising strategies to maximize the benefits of international collaborations. Despite the opportunities globalization presents, I observe a decline in local collaborative synergy among Thailand's three sectors, university, government, and industry. Local collaborations are mostly bilateral, indicating a need for greater involvement from the third sector to foster sustainable growth and development. This study demonstrates the use of STS concepts and various analytical tools, such as co-authored publications and Shannon's mutual information, to showcase collaboration trends and synergy among local sectors in Thailand. The study also includes case studies from diverse countries to consider different conditions affecting collaboration dynamics. Emphasizing recent data, the study aims to capture the evolving landscape of international and local scientific collaborations comprehensively.