Designing Intuitive Web Pages for E- learning

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Virginia Tech


This paper discussed in this poster is about designing intuitive web pages for e-learning. There are numerous frameworks for e-learning. I have looked at the different frameworks for e-learning and they all possess a common thread; there is a desire on the part of the facilitator to reduce the separation between the instructor and the learners. However, the blending of facilitator and learners and learners with other learners depends on the personality type of learners as well as the design of the web pages. The paper discussed in this poster is about designing intuitive web pages.


Presented at the 2013 Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, February 6th-8th.


E-learning, Web design, Instructional technology, Human-computer interaction


Obilade, T. T. (2013, February). Designing Intuitive Web Pages for E- learning. Poster presented at the 13th Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Blacksburg, VA.