Isogeometric Finite Element Code Development for Analysis of Composite Structures

dc.contributor.authorKapoor, Hiteshen
dc.contributor.committeechairKapania, Rakesh K.en
dc.contributor.committeememberBatra, Romesh C.en
dc.contributor.committeememberPhilen, Michael K.en
dc.contributor.committeememberClay, Stephen Bretten
dc.contributor.departmentAerospace and Ocean Engineeringen
dc.description.abstractThis research endeavor develops Isogeometric approach for analysis of composite structures and take advantage of higher order continuity, smoothness and variation diminishing property of Nurbs basis for stress analysis of composite and sandwich beams and plates. This research also computes stress concentration factor in a composite plate with a hole. Isogeometric nonlinear/linear finite element code is developed for static and dynamic analysis of laminated composite plates. Nurbs linear, quadratic, higher-order and k-refined elements are constructed using various refinement procedures and validated with numerical testing. Nurbs post-processor for in-plane and interlaminar stress calculation in laminated composite and sandwich plates is developed. Nurbs post-processor is found to be superior than regular finite element and in good agreement with the literature. Nurbs Isgoemetric analysis is used for stress analysis of laminated composite plate with open-hole. Stress concentration factor is computed along the hole edge and good agreement is obtained with the literature. Nurbs Isogeometric finite element code for free-vibration and linear dynamics analysis of laminated composite plates also obtain good agreement with the literature. Main highlights of the research are newly developed 9 control point linear Nurbs element, k-refined and higher-order Nurbs elements in isogeometric framework. Nurbs elements remove shear-locking and hourglass problems in thin plates in context of first-order shear deformation theory without the additional step and compute better stresses than Lagrange finite element and higher order shear deformation theory for comparatively thick plates i.e. a/h = 4. Also, Nurbs Isogeometric analysis perform well for vibration and dynamic problems and for straight and curved edge problems.en
dc.description.degreePh. D.en
dc.publisherVirginia Techen
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subjectNurbs Isogeometric analysisen
dc.subjectk-refinement procedureen
dc.subjectshear-deformable plates and beamsen
dc.subjectnonlinear analysisen
dc.subjectinterlaminar stressen
dc.titleIsogeometric Finite Element Code Development for Analysis of Composite Structuresen
dc.typeDissertationen Engineeringen Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen D.en


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