Towards anarchist abolitionist futures for violence prevention: Beyond 'counterterrorism'

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Cambridge University Press


Recent critical scholarship on terrorism has centred on matters of race, class, and gender regarding how counterterrorism policies are connected to multiple systems of hierarchical power relations. This article builds upon this scholarship and looks towards the future. It engages with understandings of emancipatory futures in critical scholarship on terrorism while drawing upon abolitionist and anarchist political thought to expand understandings of such futures. Anarchist and abolitionist thinking are useful for considering futures beyond the 'global war on terror' (GWOT) because of their anti-state and anti-domination orientations and focus on building alternatives to prevent and manage violence apart from contemporary 'counterterrorism'. After providing an outline of anarchist and abolitionist thought, the article connects these to contemporary examples drawn from the United States and Nepal. In doing so, it theorises and imagines futures for preventing violence and building public security that are linked to anarchist and abolitionist understandings of violence and the state. In contrast to 'power politics' which centres on the state, an anarchist abolitionist approach explores how safety and security can be reimagined and remade in the absence of a state.



abolitionist, anarchist, Nepal, United States, war on terror
