Investigation of winter wheat sowing date management and genetic architecture of malting quality in winter barley and milling/baking performance in soft red winter wheat

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Virginia Tech


Wheat (Triticum aestivum, L) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) are widely grown as winter annual grains in a double crop rotation with soybean (Glycine max, L. Merr.) in much of the U.S. Improved management strategies and the development cultivars that meet the quality requirements of higher value end-use markets is important to increase production and profitability of winter annual grains and the double crop rotation in the Eastern U.S. In Chapter I, fifteen commercially relevant winter wheat genotypes ranging in maturity were sown in a split-plot design (sowing date=main plot, genotype=subplot) at three different sowing dates (considered to be 'very early' (20-28 days before recommended), 'early (6-11 days before recommended)', or 'recommended') and replicated three times at eight environments (site-year) from 2015-2018 in VA and KY. Grain yield, tiller estimation, heading date, protein, and 1000-kernel weight were assessed for each yield plot. At all environments, sowing earlier in the fall achieved an earlier (P<0.05) heading date, while grain yields varied depending on environment and genotype. Genotype by sowing date interactions were non-significant (P<0.05) at five site-years and significant (P<0.05) at three site-years.

Molecular markers can be associated with phenotypic traits via quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping, these markers can be used by breeders in marker assisted selection (MAS) to indirectly select phenotypic traits that are difficult or expensive to measure. In Chapter II, the genetic architecture of end-use quality is investigated in two soft red winter wheat bi-parental (Pioneer '25R47' / 'Jamestown' and Pioneer '26R46' / 'Tribute'). Both populations were genotyped with a public 90,000 wheat iSelect SNP-Array, grown over two crop seasons at two Virginia sites, evaluated for quality traits at the USDA-ARS Soft Wheat Quality Lab (SWQL), and analyzed with QTL mapping. This chapter describes a total of 24 putative QTL that were identified on 13 different chromosomes and associated with grain characteristics, milling, and/or baking performance along with phenotypic data for both populations, other putative QTL, and transgressive progeny with exceptional flour yield and cookie diameters. A region on 3A (Qfy.vt.3A.Jtwn) is a strong candidate to be utilized for MAS in soft red winter wheat breeding programs as it explained 6.9-10.3% (Pioneer 25R47 / Jamestown) and 4.6-17.0% (Pioneer 26R46 / Tribute) of the phenotypic variation for flour yield. In Chapter III, malt quality genetic structure was investigated in two winter 'malt x feed' doubled haploid barley breeding populations. Both populations were genotyped with the iSelect InfiniumTM SNP assay consisting of 50,000 barley SNPs, grown in two to three Virginia environments (Blacksburg and Warsaw) during 2017 - 2019, and characterized for 11 phenotypic traits associated with malting quality. QTL mapping validated six previously reported regions (Mohammadi, et al., 2015, GrainGenes 3.0, 2019) that are strongly associated (LOD > 3.0) with relevant malt quality traits. Phenotypic variation for malt quality was largely and consistently explained by QTL on chromosomes 1H, 5H, and 7H in the Endeavor / VA09B-34 population and by two separate QTL on 1H in the Violetta / VA09B-34 population. A region on 4H corresponding with QDp.DiMo-4H, explained between 12.1 - 42.2% (Endeavor / VA09B-34) and 30.0 - 55.7% (Violetta / VA09B-34) of the phenotypic variation for diastatic power (DU). These QTL are recommended for MAS in order to aid breeding strategies that aim to select for improved malting characteristics in Eastern U.S. malt barley breeding material.



Triticum aestivum, wheat, Hordeum vulgare, barley, malting, milling, baking, end-use quality, QTL, marker-assisted selection, linkage maps, planting date
