Aircraft Multidisciplinary Design Optimization using Design of Experiments Theory and Response Surface Modeling Methods
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Design engineers often employ numerical optimization
techniques to assist in the evaluation and comparison of new
aircraft configurations. While the use of numerical
optimization methods is largely successful, the presence of
numerical noise in realistic engineering optimization problems
often inhibits the use of many gradient-based optimization
techniques. Numerical noise causes inaccurate gradient
calculations which in turn slows or prevents convergence
during optimization. The problems created by numerical
noise are particularly acute in aircraft design applications
where a single aerodynamic or structural analysis of a
realistic aircraft configuration may require tens of CPU
hours on a supercomputer. The computational expense of
the analyses coupled with the convergence difficulties
created by numerical noise are significant obstacles to
performing aircraft multidisciplinary design optimization. To
address these issues, a procedure has been developed to
create two types of noise-free mathematical models for use
in aircraft optimization studies. These two methods use
elements of statistical analysis and the overall procedure for
using the methods is made computationally affordable by the
application of parallel computing techniques. The first
modeling method, which has been the primary focus of this
work, employs classical statistical techniques in response
surface modeling and least squares surface fitting to yield
polynomial approximation models. The second method, in
which only a preliminary investigation has been performed,
uses Bayesian statistics and an adaptation of the Kriging
process in Geostatistics to create exponential
function-based interpolating models. The particular
application of this research involves modeling the subsonic
and supersonic aerodynamic performance of high-speed
civil transport (HSCT) aircraft configurations. The
aerodynamic models created using the two methods outlined
above are employed in HSCT optimization studies so that
the detrimental effects of numerical noise are reduced or
eliminated during optimization. Results from sample HSCT
optimization studies involving five and ten variables are
presented here to demonstrate the utility of the two
modeling methods.