Quantifying Structural Changes with the Application of Osteopathic Manual Medicine (OMM) in Tegucigalpa, Honduras
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The primary purpose of this research was to compare quantifiable structural asymmetry to changes visualized in center of pressure (CoP) and/or postural sway by the use of an Isobalance forceplate in order to introduce principles of osteopathic medicine to a Latin America culture. Osteopathic manual medicine (OMM) was used to correct structural dysfunction found in the study participants at the Baxter Institute in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Study participants were students and staff members ranging in age from 18 to 35 and consisting of 24 males and two females. The examination period lasted a total of five weeks. During weeks one, three, and five, baseline measurements were taken prior to manipulation using .05 alpha to test significance. Measurements were repeated post OMM. An educational video was provided during each session. Pretest and posttest results demonstrated an improvement in understanding of OMM materials provided to participants. A bivariable chi-square test found that, when manipulated, those with sacrum dysfunction have an association with a positive improvement in postural sway (TIC 1 & 2) (p<.05). Also, the multivariable logistic regression model found that individuals who had no initial change in postural sway (TIC 1 & 2) were more likely to move to a positive improvement of time in the center of the premeasured diameter calculated by the Isobalance forceplate, than a decrease in time spent in the center (i.e. negative improvement) throughout the time of the study (p<.05).