2019 - 2020 Shenandoah Valley Buy Fresh Buy Local Guide


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Virginia Cooperative Extension


Across the great state of Virginia, Buy Fresh Buy Local chapters have been founded to advocate for local food and agriculture stakeholders. e Shenandoah Valley Chapter’s food guide is a collaborative initiative of Virginia Cooperative Extension and community partners to bring you the most up-to-date information about what is happening on the farms and local food systems across the Valley. We want you to celebrate and take advantage of what this area o ers regarding local food! We invite you to get to know the farms and businesses listed in the guide, as well as the sponsors and community partners. Learn exactly where your food is coming from by asking farmers themselves how they grew it. Commitment to a local and regional food system from local collaborators is the reason the chapter and this guide exist.



Agriculture Profitability and Sustainability, Community Viability, Food, Nutrition, and Health, Climate Change, Natural Resources, and Environment
