A Deep Branched Network for Failure Mode Diagnostics and Remaining Useful Life Prediction


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In complex systems, the operating units often suffer from multiple failure modes, and each failure mode results in distinct degradation path and service life. Thus, it is critical to perform the failure mode diagnostics and predict the remaining useful life (RUL) accordingly in modern industrial systems. However, most of the existing approaches consider the prognostic problem under a single failure mode or treat the failure mode classification and RUL prediction as two independent tasks, despite the fact that they are closely related and should be synergistically performed to enhance the generalization performance. Motivated by these issues, we propose a deep branched network (DBNet) for failure mode classification and RUL prediction. In this approach, the two tasks are jointly learned in a sequential manner, in which the feature extraction layers are shared by both tasks, while the neural network branches into individualized subnetworks for RUL prediction of each mode based on the output of the diagnostic subnetwork. Different from the traditional multitask learning-based methods, where the diagnostics and RUL prediction are performed in parallel, the proposed DBNet innovatively couples these two tasks sequentially to boost the prognostic accuracy. The effectiveness of the proposed method is thoroughly demonstrated and evaluated on an aircraft gas turbine engine with multiple failure modes.


