Probability-One Homotopy Algorithms for Full and Reduced Order H-squared/H-to Infinity Controller Synthesis


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Department of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University


Homotopy algorithms for both full- and reduced-order LQG controller design problems with an H-to infinity constraint on disturbance attenuation are developed. The H-to infinity constraint is enforced by replacing the covariance Lyapunov equation by a Riccati equation whose solution gives an upper boundary on H-squared performance. The numerical algorithm, based on homotopy theory, solves the necessary conditions for a minimum of the upper bound on H-squared performance. The algorithms are based on two minimal parameter formulations: Ly, Bryson, and Cannon's 2X2 block parametrization and the input normal Riccati form parametrization. An over-parametrization formulation is also proposed. Numerical experiments suggest that the combination of a globally convergent homotopy method and a minimal parameter formulation applied to the upper bound minimization gives excellent results for mixed-norm H-squared/H-to infinity synthesis. The nonmonocity of homotopy zero curves is demonstrated, proving that algorithms more sophisticated that standard continuation are necessary.


