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An Assessment of the Status of the Diffusion and Adoption of Computer-Based Technology in Appalachian College Association Colleges and Universities

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Virginia Tech


This descriptive study examines the status of the diffusion and adoption of computer-based technology in the 33 Appalachian College Association schools and universities. The study was conducted in two phases. In Phase I a survey instrument was sent to six hundred randomly selected Appalachian College Association full-time faculty. This survey instrument was used to determine the frequency with which faculty use computer-based technology in the curriculum of the ACA liberal arts colleges and universities. The results of this survey were compared to those of the same survey administered to 59 full-time faculty at Milligan College.

In Phase II, in-depth interviews were conducted with sixteen Milligan College faculty members to determine why computer-based technology is or is not being used, how often it is being used, and with what results. An analysis of the results of the study show that word processing software, e-mail, and WWW resources at school are the most frequently used computer-based technologies. Other technologies are occasionally used and, still others, rarely or never used. Faculty gave only anecdotal evidence that the use of computer-based technology in the classroom was effective, but they were able to describe instances where they felt computer-based technology was effective and instances where its use should be avoided. In addition, these interviews provided insight about faculty attitudes toward the use of computer-based technology in the teaching/learning process, support and resources that are available, faculty training and professional development preferences, and anticipated future uses of computer-based technology. The survey instrument and interview questions are included with the document.



faculty, college, diffusion, adoption, computer, Technology
