Cybersecurity for the Internet of Things:  A Micro Moving Target IPv6 Defense

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Virginia Tech


As the use of low-power and low-resource embedded devices continues to increase dramatically with the introduction of new Internet of Things (IoT) devices, security techniques are necessary which are compatible with these devices. This research advances the knowledge in the area of cybersecurity for the IoT through the exploration of a moving target defense to apply for limiting the time attackers may conduct reconnaissance on embedded systems while considering the challenges presented from IoT devices such as resource and performance constraints. We introduce the design and optimizations for µMT6D, a Micro-Moving Target IPv6 Defense, including a description of the modes of operation and use of lightweight hash algorithms. Through simulations and experiments µMT6D is shown to be viable for use on low power and low resource embedded devices in terms of footprint, power consumption, and energy consumption increases in comparison to the given security benefits. Finally, this provides information on other future considerations and possible avenues of further experimentation and research.



Internet of Things, IPv6 Security, Embedded Systems, Moving Target Defense, Wireless Sensor Networks
