Seamless Distributed Power Management of DC Microgrid under Cyber Attacks with Bidirectional Power Flow

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A seamless distributed power management for the dc microgrid (DCMG) with bidirectional power flow is presented in this paper to achieve the overall system stabilization even under severe cyber attacks. First, a distributed secondary control (DSC) based on the V*-P droop curves is presented to ensure the power and voltage regulation for the DCMG system consisting of the electric vehicle (EV), wind turbine, battery, load, and utility grid agents under uncertain conditions. The proposed scheme automatically adjusts the utility grid droop curve to minimize electricity expenditure under electricity price change. To eliminate the negative effect of severe cyber attacks such as false data injection (FDI) and denial-of-service (DoS) in the distributed DCMG system, a resilient DSC based on the compensation term is utilized in the proposed scheme. In addition, by modifying the DSC structure of each power agent, the proposed scheme reduces the overshoot of the dc bus voltage even in the presence of the electricity price change, agent power variation, sudden utility grid disconnection, or critical state-of-charge (SOC) levels. Furthermore, the proposed distributed DCMG system utilizes only the unidirectional digital communication links (DCLs) to cut down the system cost and communication burden, which greatly simplifies communication structure. The efficiency and feasibility of the proposed distributed power management are validated by simulation and experimental results under various conditions.


