Improved Dynamical Analysis Tools for DFIG Wind Farms via Traditional and Koopman Linearizations

dc.contributor.authorMitchell-Colgan, Elliotten
dc.contributor.committeechairBi, Tianshuen
dc.contributor.committeechairCenteno, Virgilio A.en
dc.contributor.committeememberMili, Lamine M.en
dc.contributor.committeememberBish, Douglas R.en
dc.contributor.committeememberKekatos, Vasileiosen
dc.contributor.departmentElectrical Engineeringen
dc.description.abstractThe electric power system is designed to economically and reliably transmit electricity to homes, industry, and businesses. The economic impact of the electric grid was demonstrated by the 2003 blackout's visible impact in the graph of the yearly gross domestic product of the Unites States. However, because the number of customers is so large and economies of scale are leveraged to keep electricity prices low, utilities are strongly interconnected. Performing comprehensive engineering analyses to ensure reliable operation is still impossible. Instead, heuristics and safety factors are incorporated into planning processes to continually meet demand in a way that complies with Federal regulations. As evidenced by the infrequency of blackouts in the United States, the sophisticated planning processes have up to date been relatively successful. However, the power system is constantly changing. Electrical generators based on renewable energies are a beneficial addition to the grid, but these and other technological changes like high-voltage power electronic converters also come with their own challenges. These systems as currently employed tend to have a different impact on the reliability of operation than traditional fossil fuel based generators. As the system changes, so do the engineering analyses required to ensure reliable operation. In particular, the wind energy conversion systems (WECS) negatively impact the response of the grid to disturbances in certain ways due to inherent challenges harnessing the wind as an energy sources. These negative impacts (and the advent of powerful personal computing) require an increase in the sophistication of power system models. Thus, there are competing challenges: the scale of the power system necessitates computationally efficient modeling, but the complexity of analysis required to maintain reliable operation is also increasing. The primary aim of this study is to develop models and methods for more detailed yet computationally manageable simulation. To this aim, higher order linearizations and the properties of linear systems (graph theory and linear algebra) are exploited. More specifically, this document contains three studies. In the short term planning and situational awareness context, a method is proposed to quickly check credible outages of important grid equipment. This methodology enables the inspection of a wider breadth of system conditions to ameliorate the negative impacts of the unpredictability of the wind. A linear model in the traditional sense is also developed to model any arbitrary number of wind turbines in a wind farm. This enables industry players to study the impacts wind turbine interaction on the dynamic stability of the grid in response to small disturbances. Finally, a wind farm is modeled as a large matrix to model even nonlinear behavior of wind farms. This helps industry players analyze the impact of large disturbances on the grid.en
dc.description.abstractgeneralThe electric power system is designed to economically and reliably transmit electricity to homes, industry, and businesses. The economic impact of the electric grid was demonstrated by the 2003 blackout’s visible impact in the graph of the yearly gross domestic product of the United States. However, because the number of customers is so large and economies of scale are leveraged to keep electricity prices low, utilities are strongly interconnected. Performing comprehensive engineering analyses to ensure reliable operation is still impossible. Instead, heuristics and safety factors are incorporated into planning processes to continually meet demand in a way that complies with Federal regulations. As evidenced by the infrequency of blackouts in the United States, the sophisticated planning processes have up to date been relatively successful. However, the power system is constantly changing. Electrical generators based on renewable energies are a beneficial addition to the grid, but these and other technological changes like high-voltage power electronic converters also come with their own challenges. These systems as currently employed tend to have a different impact on the reliability of operation than traditional fossil fuel based generators. As the system changes, so do the engineering analyses required to ensure reliable operation. In particular, the wind energy conversion systems (WECS) negatively impact the response of the grid to disturbances in certain ways due to inherent challenges harnessing the wind as an energy sources. These negative impacts (and the advent of powerful personal computing) require an increase in the sophistication of power system models. Thus, there are competing challenges: the scale of the power system necessitates computationally efficient modeling, but the complexity of analysis required to maintain reliable operation is also increasing. The primary aim of this study is to develop models and methods for more detailed yet computationally manageable simulation. To this aim, higher order linearizations and the properties of linear systems (graph theory and linear algebra) are exploited. More specifically, this document contains three studies. In the short term planning and situational awareness context, a method is proposed to quickly check credible outages of important grid equipment. This methodology enables the inspection of a wider breadth of system conditions to ameliorate the negative impacts of the unpredictability of the wind. A linear model in the traditional sense is also developed to model any arbitrary number of wind turbines in a wind farm. This enables industry players to study the impacts wind turbine interaction on the dynamic stability of the grid in response to small disturbances. Finally, a wind farm is modeled as a large matrix to model even nonlinear behavior of wind farms. This helps industry players analyze the impact of large disturbances on the grid.en
dc.description.degreeDoctor of Philosophyen
dc.publisherVirginia Techen
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subjectPower Systemsen
dc.subjectWind Energy Conversion Systemsen
dc.subjectKoopman Theoryen
dc.subjectSub-Synchronous Resonanceen
dc.subjectContingency Screeningen
dc.titleImproved Dynamical Analysis Tools for DFIG Wind Farms via Traditional and Koopman Linearizationsen
dc.typeDissertationen Engineeringen Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen of Philosophyen


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