Factors Influencing the Adoption of Biometric Security Technologies by Decision Making Information Technology and Security Managers


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Capella University


The research conducted under this study offers an understanding of the reasons why information technology (IT) and/or information assurance (IA) managers choose to recommend or not to recommend particular technologies, specifically biometric security, to their organizations. A review of the relevant literature provided the foundation to develop a set of research questions and factors for this research effort. The research questions became the basis of the study’s stated hypotheses for examining managers’ perceptions of the security effectiveness, need, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of biometrics. The research indicates that positive perceptions of security effectiveness, need, reliability, and cost-effectiveness correlate with IT/IA managers’ willingness to recommend biometric security technologies. The implications of this study are that executives and managers can make informed decisions about the recommendation and adoption process relevant to biometric security technologies through an understanding of how perceptions of biometric technology affect the decision to recommend this type of technology. The study’s results may also help biometric product developers, vendors, and marketers understand the important perceptions of biometric security technologies within their customer base of IT/IA managers.



biometric security, technology adoption, information security, information assurance, information technology, biometrics, decision making
