An Application-Attuned Framework for Optimizing HPC Storage Systems


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Virginia Tech


High performance computing (HPC) is routinely employed in diverse domains such as life sciences, and Geology, to simulate and understand the behavior of complex phenomena. Big data driven scientific simulations are resource intensive and require both computing and I/O capabilities at scale. There is a crucial need for revisiting the HPC I/O subsystem to better optimize for and manage the increased pressure on the underlying storage systems from big data processing. Extant HPC storage systems are designed and tuned for a specific set of applications targeting a range of workload characteristics, but they lack the flexibility in adapting to the ever-changing application behaviors. The complex nature of modern HPC storage systems along with the ever-changing application behaviors present unique opportunities and engineering challenges.

In this dissertation, we design and develop a framework for optimizing HPC storage systems by making them application-attuned. We select three different kinds of HPC storage systems - in-memory data analytics frameworks, parallel file systems and object storage. We first analyze the HPC application I/O behavior by studying real-world I/O traces. Next we optimize parallelism for applications running in-memory, then we design data management techniques for HPC storage systems, and finally focus on low-level I/O load balance for improving the efficiency of modern HPC storage systems.



Parallel File Systems, Object-Based Storage, Data Management, Load Balancing, File System Indexing, Metadata Management, High Performance Computing
