Double Affine Bruhat Order

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Virginia Tech


Given a finite Weyl group W_fin with root system Phi_fin, one can create the affine Weyl group W_aff by taking the semidirect product of the translation group associated to the coroot lattice for Phi_fin, with W_fin. The double affine Weyl semigroup W can be created by using a similar semidirect product where one replaces W_fin with W_aff and the coroot lattice with the Tits cone of W_aff. We classify cocovers and covers of a given element of W with respect to the Bruhat order, specifically when W is associated to a finite root system that is irreducible and simply laced. We show two approaches: one extending the work of Lam and Shimozono, and its strengthening by Milicevic, where cocovers are characterized in the affine case using the quantum Bruhat graph of W_fin, and another, which takes a more geometrical approach by using the length difference set defined by Muthiah and Orr.



Weyl group, double affine, Bruhat order, coverings, cocoverings
