A functional analytic approach to multigroup transport theory

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Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


A functional Analytic method which was first introduced by Larsen and Habetler for the one-speed isotropic case in 1973 is applied to full and half-space multigroup problems in one dimension with a constant and invertible transfer matrix. The Case-type eigenfunction expansion formulas for the solutions of these problems are explicitly obtained. For the half-space case, the formulas are expressed in terms of two matrices X and Y which provide the Wiener-Hopf factorization of the dispersion matrix. The method applied yields compact results avoiding the calculation of adjoint solutions and normalization integrals to determine the expansion coefficients. Since the method proves to be amenable to further generalization, the case of a degenerate transfer kernel is also considered along the same lines, yielding the expansion formulas for that problem in the full and half-space cases. The expansion formulas are shown to be valid at least for subcritical media, but an extension to critical problems is expected.


