Linking BIM to Power BI and HoloLens 2 to Support Facility Management: A Case Study Approach


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Facility lifecycle data captured in BIM during design and construction are very valuable for effective facility operations and maintenance. Traditionally, model authoring and analysis tools have been used to search and query model information. These tools are not well designed to search and display needed data and they require a steep learning curve. In this paper, the authors propose the use of Power BI dashboards to facilitate easy access and display of lifecycle data embedded in the model. The implementation and use of dashboards for facility management are discussed using a case study. The effectiveness and usability of the dashboards are validated using a focus group of six industry experts that were first interviewed then asked to complete a questionnaire. Feedback from interviews indicated that customized dashboards are effective tools to view, analyze and draw insights on data from various sources and can improve facility operations and management. Numerical results from the PSSUQ using fourteen questions indicated positive responses overall with an average score of four or five from the majority of respondents. Finally, the authors tested integration of the Power BI dashboards with the HoloLens 2 to deliver relevant up-to-date facility lifecycle data in near real-time to field staff.



Building Information Modeling (BIM), facility management, systems-centric, Power BI, mixed reality, HoloLens, life-cycle data


Harode, A.; Ensafi, M.; Thabet, W. Linking BIM to Power BI and HoloLens 2 to Support Facility Management: A Case Study Approach. Buildings 2022, 12, 852.