Expanding the RNA virome of nematodes and other soil-inhabiting organisms


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Oxford University Press


In recent years, several newly discovered viruses infecting free-living nematodes, sedentary plant-parasitic nematodes, and migratory root lesion nematodes have been described. However, to the best of our knowledge, no comprehensive research focusing exclusively on metagenomic analysis of the soil nematode community virome has thus far been carried out. In this work, we have attempted to bridge this gap by investigating viral communities that are associated with soil-inhabiting organisms, particularly nematodes. This study demonstrates a remarkable diversity of RNA viruses in the natural soil environment. Over 150 viruses were identified in different soil-inhabiting hosts, of which more than 139 are potentially new virus species. Many of these viruses belong to the nematode virome, thereby enriching our understanding of the diversity and evolution of this complex part of the natural ecosystem.



meta-transcriptomics, virus discovery, soil nematodes, phylogeny
