Elderly & Disabled Waiver Services: Results of a Statewide Client Satisfaction Survey

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Virginia Department of Medical Assisstance Services


As part of a “Real Choice Systems Change” grant received by the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services, the Center for Gerontology at Virginia Tech conducted a statewide survey of clients receiving personal care services under the Medicaid Elderly and Disabled (E & D) Waiver. The goal was to learn about clients’ experiences with personal care, using performance, satisfaction, and outcome measures. Demographic data about clients and aides were also collected. A comparison of the study sample with the larger E & D Waiver population on the available indicators of age, gender, and location showed the sample was representative of the full E & D Waiver population. All planning districts were represented, and the regional distribution reflected that of the larger population. Therefore, findings and observations are likely to be applicable to the full population of E & D Waiver clients in Virginia.


