Title IX Annual Report: 2019-2020 Annual Report and Campus Climate Survey
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The 2019-2020 academic year presented numerous and unexpected changes. From a global pandemic, to new federal rules governing Title IX, to student activism demanding improvements to the ways the university responds to gender-based violence, Virginia Tech was challenged to continuously adapt and be increasingly transparent. What has remained unchanged is the university’s commitment to take gender-based harassment and violence seriously, to provide service and care to those impacted by it, and to resolve reports in a way that is equitable and recognizes the dignity of all involved. Included in this report is Title IX reporting for the 2018-19 and 2019-20 academic years, as well as data from the university’s most recent campus climate survey, conducted during the Fall 2019 semester. The academic year data provides information about those who chose to come forward and tell someone of their experience and the steps the university took to respond to those reports, including providing information and support and fair and rigorous investigations. The climate survey data gives deeper insight into what does not get formally reported: what prevents students from seeking help, how helpful are our campus resources, and importantly, what is it in our campus landscape that makes violence and harassment persist. This report primarily represents the work of the Office for Equity and Accessibility. In addition and because this work is truly a community effort, this report also reflects the work of university partners and campus colleagues with whom responsibility and commitment to caring for Virginia Tech students and employees is shared. Gender-based violence leaves a mark on the place that we call “home” and each member of us plays a role in creating a safer, more inclusive community.