A Transport Justice Evaluation of Employer-Based Transit Subsidies

dc.contributor.authorHamre, Andrea Katherine Marieen
dc.contributor.committeechairWernstedt, Kris F.en
dc.contributor.committeememberEckerd, Adam M.en
dc.contributor.committeememberMurray-Tuite, Pamela M.en
dc.contributor.committeememberSanchez, Thomas W.en
dc.contributor.committeememberCowell, Margaret M.en
dc.contributor.departmentSchool of Public and International Affairsen
dc.description.abstractNational statistics regarding subsidized commuting suggest that employer-based transit subsidies may be inaccessible to the vast majority of the working poor. My main purpose with this study is to increase our understanding of employer-based transit subsidies from a transport justice perspective. I apply the theory of transport justice developed by Karel Martens to evaluate whether the provision of transit subsidies varies significantly by income, and whether the subsidies are significantly associated with accessibility as measured by daily trip levels. I use worker-level data from household travel surveys for 10 of the 22 largest MPOs in the U.S., organized into 7 cases: 1) Atlanta; 2) Baltimore and Washington, DC; 3) Denver; 4) Los Angeles and San Diego; 5) New York and Newark; 6) Philadelphia; and 7) San Francisco. In each of the 7 cases, the odds of being offered a transit subsidy were significantly lower for workers in the 1st income quintile compared to workers in the 4th and 5th income quintiles, even after controlling for other relevant worker and employer characteristics. I found a lack of evidence, in most cases, that transit subsidies are significantly associated with accessibility, both in terms of daily trip levels for low-income workers and daily trip differentials between income groups. Given my finding that low-income workers are the least likely to have access to employer-based transit subsidies, policymakers may consider reform alternatives, such as commuter benefit ordinances, a refundable tax credit for commuting expenses, or alternatives such as income- and location-based subsidies for transit that may support all trip purposes. I hope this study will serve as a reference for policymakers deliberating commuter benefit reforms as well as strategies to support affordable access to opportunities for the working poor.en
dc.description.abstractgeneralNational statistics for subsidized commuting suggest employer-based transit subsidies are inaccessible to the majority of the working poor. Using a transport justice theoretical frame, this quantitative study used worker-level data from household travel surveys to evaluate whether employer-based transit subsidies vary by income, and whether the subsidies are associated with accessibility. The data were organized into 7 cases: 1) Atlanta; 2) Baltimore and Washington, DC; 3) Denver; 4) Los Angeles & San Diego; 5) New York and Newark; 6) Philadelphia; and 7) San Francisco. In each of the 7 cases, the odds of being offered a transit subsidy were significantly lower for workers in the 1st income quintile compared to workers in the 4th and 5th income quintiles, even after controlling for other relevant worker and employer characteristics. In most cases, I did not find a significant association between transit subsidies and accessibility. This study may serve as a reference for policymakers deliberating commuter benefit reforms as well as strategies to support affordable access to opportunities for the working poor.en
dc.description.degreePh. D.en
dc.publisherVirginia Techen
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subjectcommuter benefitsen
dc.subjecttransport justiceen
dc.subjecthousehold travel surveysen
dc.titleA Transport Justice Evaluation of Employer-Based Transit Subsidiesen
thesis.degree.disciplinePlanning, Governance, and Globalizationen
thesis.degree.grantorVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen
thesis.degree.namePh. D.en


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