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Umart is a second-hand trading platform for university students emphasizing security and privacy. Besides providing the best user experience across multiple platforms and devices, we paramount our system security and customer privacy. We don't have any non-security-related third-party cookies, we won't, in any form, store our customer passwords, and we will periodically remove graduate students and posts. Additionally, there's no need to worry about external hacks since the only thing we know about our customers is they are university students with a valid .edu email account. We believe the best security and privacy enhancement is not collecting user information in the first place, and that's exactly how we implement Umart. With the trust in Umart, university students can easily trade goods with others while moving in and out of their dorm without worrying about leaking their data. Nonetheless, all posts on Umart are categorized into different categories. With a search feature implemented, users can easily find their desires with a few simple clicks.