CS5934: Capstone Project

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  • PaperPalooza: A comprehensive research support tool
    Devashree Bhagwat; Kanad Naleshwarkar; Ritish Shailly; Vivek Murali; Sanket Bhujbal (2024-05-03)
    Researchers use multiple tools daily, they often need to search for new papers pertaining to their field, save papers that they wish to cite, and check to make sure there are no grammatical errors in their writing. A few researchers and advisors would like to keep tabs on their ongoing projects. Sometimes they just want a tool that quickly summarizes a paper or a giant piece of text so they can skim through without spending hours. Paperpalooza is a tool we developed that integrates the solutions to all the above requirements into one single application that can be the one stop shop for any researcher.
  • Codehort
    Anuj Marisetty ​; Sai Pranith Meka​; Sadath Ullah Khan Mohammed​; Varshita Usem ​; Vineeth Reddy Vemula​ (2024-05-03)
    CodeHort is a web-based platform designed to enhance the coding practice experience by allowing users to create, join, and manage coding groups with customizable challenges. It focuses on fostering community and collaboration among coders by integrating group dynamics with individual coding practice. The platform supports tracking progress with leaderboards and visualizations, and aims to make coding a more social and engaging activity.
  • Codehort
    Anuj Marisetty; Sai Pranith Meka​; Sadath Ullah Khan Mohammed​; Varshita Usem ​; Vineeth Reddy Vemula​ (2024-05-03)
    CodeHort is a web-based platform designed to enhance the coding practice experience by allowing users to create, join, and manage coding groups with customizable challenges. It focuses on fostering community and collaboration among coders by integrating group dynamics with individual coding practice. The platform supports tracking progress with leaderboards and visualizations, and aims to make coding a more social and engaging activity.
  • Cold Caller
    Harris, Violet; Mistry, Aastha; Dinesh, Tanya; Harris, Silver; Brinson, Greg (2024-05-03)
    Cold Caller is a volunteer management system for political candidates to use when polling the public. We have an admin side to manage/create volunteer accounts, track their progress and most recent activity, and view the survey responses in mass. The volunteer side accesses a database of voters that will pull a set and assign to volunteers for calling and surveying. The volunteer starts a survey and is given step-by-step instructions on what to say and immediately records the voter’s response. They are prompted to submit and save that response as soon as they finish the survey. We track the volunteer’s performance and give a visual reward upon completing a full set of calls. The platform is extremely user friendly and designed for users without technical prowess.
  • Cold Caller Final Presentation Video
    Silver Harris; Greg Brinson; Aastha Mistry; Tanya Dinesh; Violet Harris (2024-05-03)
    Cold Caller is a volunteer management system for political candidates to use when polling the public. We have an admin side to manage/create volunteer accounts, track their progress and most recent activity, and view the survey responses in mass. The volunteer side accesses a database of voters that will pull a set and assign to volunteers for calling and surveying. The volunteer starts a survey and is given step-by-step instructions on what to say and immediately records the voter’s response. They are prompted to submit and save that response as soon as they finish the survey. We track the volunteer’s performance and give a visual reward upon completing a full set of calls. The platform is extremely user friendly and designed for users without technical prowess.
  • Cold Caller Github Link
    Violet Harris; Silver Harris; Aastha Mistry; Greg Brinson; Tanya Dinesh (2024-05-03)
  • CarCool
    Samar Kansal (2024-05-03)
  • Know My Recipe - AI Powered Recipe Sharing and Discovery Platfrom
    Narra, Nikhil; Chilukuri, Premith Kumar; Anupoju, Balu; Bhamidipati, Satya Sri Harsha; Mohammed, Fasi Ullah Khan; Narla, Jayanth (2024-05-03)
    In the current digital landscape, there is a lack of a dedicated platform that allows food enthusiasts to easily share, discover, and personalize recipes according to their dietary needs and preferences. Know My Recipe is an innovative web-based platform designed to transform the culinary experience by enabling users to share, discover, and personalize recipes in a vibrant community setting. This social media-like platform is equipped with advanced AI-driven features, including recipe creation and ingredient substitution recommendations tailored to dietary preferences and restrictions. Users can engage through an interactive swipe-based explore page, like and follow each other's profiles, and enjoy meal plan generation based on personal preferences. Know My Recipe addresses the need for a dedicated, customizable recipe-sharing service that caters to food enthusiasts, home cooks, and culinary experts alike, making it an essential tool for anyone passionate about cooking and nutrition.
  • CarCool: The fun way of sharing rides
    Samar Kansal; Shankar Srinidhi Srinivas; Ashish Aggarwal; Aseem Khandelwal; Krithika Gunasekaran Krishnaswamy (2024-05-03)
    CarCool redefines carpooling by connecting users with compatible companions through its innovative 'Vibe Score' algorithm. Users can update their interests in the profile section across categories like Lifestyle, Entertainment, Outdoor Activities, and Sports. These interests are converted into a normalized vector in the backend and stored in the database. When searching for rides, the 'Vibe Score' is calculated and displayed, allowing users to sort rides in descending order based on 'Vibe Score,' alongside other sorting options, ensuring personalized and enjoyable travel experiences.
  • VT Meat Center Sales System
    Riley, Patrick; An, Udom; Soohoo, Matthew; Cinnamon, Matthew (2024)
    The VT Meat Center Sales System replaces the Excel spreadsheet invoicing system by providing a robust, automated desktop application for the VT Meat Center staff. This new system provides a GUI-based invoicing and sales system, an inventory management system, and a suite of financial tools that will help management make informed decisions. The old methods utilize Excel spreadsheets for invoicing, sales tracking, and inventory management. The current methods are very time-consuming, error-prone, and cannot meet the demands of meat center operations. Our new desktop application enhances the staff experience by providing an intuitive, streamlined application.
  • GobbleUp
    Kirk Knutsen; Daniel Hassler; Daniel Sabanov (2024-05-03)
    GobbleUp is a full-stack web application that aims to allow Virginia Tech (VT) students to view on-campus dining offerings, track and plan their meals for the day, and leverage AI-enhanced technology to suggest location and mealtime-specific meal plans. Additionally, our nutritional report offers a comprehensive summary of the user's dining activity in a readable manner, addressing one of our goals of assisting newly independent diners with better accountability and transparency. The application utilizes a simple UI with subtle VT theming and is accessible regardless of device or operating system.
  • GobbleUp
    Kirk Knutsen; Daniel Hassler; Daniel Sabanov (2024-05-03)
    GobbleUp is a full-stack web application that aims to allow Virginia Tech (VT) students to view on-campus dining offerings, track and plan their meals for the day, and leverage AI-enhanced technology to suggest location and mealtime-specific meal plans. Additionally, our nutritional report offers a comprehensive summary of the user's dining activity in a readable manner, addressing one of our goals of assisting newly independent diners with better accountability and transparency. The application utilizes a simple UI with subtle VT theming and is accessible regardless of device or operating system.
  • ShoreSync
    Manasa Reddy K; Mounisha Vustepalli; Nikhil Routh; Prithvi Kota; Shalene Johnson (Capstone Group 7 Spring 2024, 2024-05-03)
    Our project aims to revolutionize shoreline inventory maintenance in Virginia, particularly in Gloucester County, where the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) is situated. Partnering with VIMS, we're pioneering a citizen science-based approach to swiftly and accurately update shoreline data. Leveraging the widespread access to smartphones, we're empowering individuals to contribute geo-information seamlessly. We are prototyping a user-friendly web application to facilitate data submission, including various forms and images of the shoreline, all tagged with GPS coordinates. The Center for Coastal Resources Management (CCRM) at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) is tasked with maintaining a comprehensive inventory of tidal shorelines to monitor ongoing conditions. These data serve as vital baseline information to aid in shoreline management and enhance decision-making for local and state governing bodies. Such datasets form the foundation for numerous modeling tasks related to climate change, addressing ecological and socio-economic aspects. The most recent shoreline inventory in Virginia spanned from 2012 to 2019. However, rapid changes in coastal areas, including increased development and the impact of climate change on coastal habitats, underscore the urgent need for updates.
  • Taskvault
    Newcomer, Matthew; Donlon, Matthw; Marsh, Nathan; Patel, Om; Peters, Michael (2024-05)
    Taskvault is a robust web application designed to enhance the efficiency of task and document management. This system allows users to upload, organize, and manage online documents with ease. Taskvault offers personalized pages for better task categorization and customizable containers that can include documents, objects, or tasks, tailored to meet the unique organizational needs of the user. The application is built with an intuitive tagging and grouping system, robust search functionality, and features that enable easy navigation and document retrieval based on user-specific requirements. https://git.cs.vt.edu/cs5934-s24-13574-group-3/taskvault
  • PoolPeeps MEng Capstone
    Mascis, Christopher; Ross, Amanda; Potharaju, Chiraag; Shingala, Kavin (2024-05-02)
  • Nex-Gen Performance Mobile Application
    Hou-Chun Lee; Jhe-Wei Nien; Yu-Kai Lo; Ta-Yuan Chou (Virginia Tech, 2024-05-01)
    Our capstone project, the Nex-Gen Performance App, is designed to transform the landscape of athletic training by bridging the gap between athletes, their guardians, and trainers. This innovative application serves as a comprehensive platform aimed at fostering connections, enhancing training efficiency, and promoting athletic excellence. Our app specifically targets young athletes aged 12-18, along with their parents and coaches, with a primary focus on the DMV area. By leveraging the latest mobile technology, we aim to create an accessible, interactive, and user-friendly experience that aligns with the dynamic needs of the modern athletic community.
  • Timeflare - Advanced Timesheet Tracking Application
    Ritwik Sood; Mihir Lahu Playekar; Nikhil Ram; Parth Bapat; Vivek Joshi (2024-04-29)
    Imagine a tool that effortlessly transforms the way you manage time and projects. TimeFlare is that tool—a comprehensive solution designed to revolutionize time tracking, project management, and payroll processes. Whether you're a freelancer juggling multiple clients or part of a team striving for efficiency, TimeFlare has you covered. By seamlessly integrating advanced features like clock-in/clock-out tracking, project-specific time association, and smart analytics, TimeFlare ensures accurate time recording and provides valuable insights into productivity and resource allocation. With intuitive interfaces, real-time notifications, and calendar integration, staying on top of deadlines and priorities has never been easier. TimeFlare isn't just a timesheet app; it's a game-changer for anyone looking to optimize their time, streamline workflows, and maximize productivity.
  • Local Link
    Hamilton, Mark; Jimeno, Elliot; Mecherikunnel, Joseph; Ramboyong, Sarah; West, Jonathan (2024-05-01)
  • Ripple
    Yu-Jung Chen, Justin Wu, Kai-Jo Ma, Saran Sankar (2023-12-05)
    Ripple is an innovative social media platform transforming how we discover and engage with video content. At its core, Ripple leverages the power of social connections to recommend videos, creating a unique 'Ripple effect' that amplifies content discovery through user networks.
  • MCCS Data Analytics Dashboard
    The Asset Protection business unit under MCCS needs dashboards so they can easily access relevant asset protection information from a single source of information. Currently, Asset Protection has to go to various sources within MCCS if they want shrink information or point of sale details. The goal of our MCCS Data Dashboard is to create a centralized location for all the needs of MCCS data analysts. The product offers multiple pages for both the point-of-sale transactions and consolidated shrink information, as well as customized health check pages with up-to-date metrics for each branch of MCCS that allow for easy access and close monitoring of the data. The data is displayed as a combination of tables, charts, and graphs along with filters and search functionality that allow for deeper insights on the data.