Separated-beam experiments and transit-time broadening


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American Physical Society


Separated-beam experiments for both the Doppler-free two-photon and saturated absorptions are under consideration. In the Doppler-free two-photon absorption, the experimental arrangement is important. Such important has not been recognized before. Three different arrangements are discussed here. In the first one, the separated-beam experiment is not coherent and the Ramsey fringe variation cannot be observed. In the second, the transit-time broadening is present and the Ramsey fringe variation depends on the atom's time of flight as well as the transit time. Finally, in the third arrangement, the transit-time broadening is eliminated and the Ramsey fringe variation depends on the atom's time of flight alone. These examples have shown that in the Doppler-free two-photon absorption, the elimination of the transit-time broadening is through a mechanism other than the beam separation. In the saturated absorption the situation is quite different. Even in the presence of transit-time broadening, the Ramsey fringe spacing depends only on the atom's time of flight.




Li, M. C., "Separated-beam experiments and transit-time broadening," Phys. Rev. A 23, 2995 (1981); DOI: