Experimental study of an avian cavity-nesting community: nest webs, nesting ecology, and interspecific interactions

dc.contributor.authorBlanc, Lori A.en
dc.contributor.committeechairWalters, Jeffrey R.en
dc.contributor.committeememberAdler, Lynn S.en
dc.contributor.committeememberJones, Robert H.en
dc.contributor.committeememberHaas, Carola A.en
dc.contributor.committeememberStauffer, Dean F.en
dc.contributor.departmentBiological Sciencesen
dc.description.abstractCavity-nesting communities are structured by the creation of and competition for cavities as nest-sites. Viewing these communities as interconnected webs can help identify species interactions that influence community structure. This study examines cavity-nesting bird community interactions within the fire-maintained longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ecosystem at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. In chapter 1, I provide a background review of the ecology of my study system. In chapter 2, I use nest webs to depict the flow of cavity-creation and use at Eglin. I identified 2 webs into which most species could be placed. One web contained 6 species associated with pines. The second web contained 5 species associated with hardwoods. Red-cockaded woodpeckers (Picoides borealis) and northern flickers (Colaptes auratus) created most cavities used by other species within this community. In chapter 3, I describe snag densities and nest-site selection of the cavity-nesting bird community at Eglin. Large, mature pine snags were abundant, exceeding other reported densities for southern pine forests. Pine snags were heavily-used, despite the abundance of available red-cockaded woodpecker cavities in living pine. Hardwood snags accounted for 10% of nests found, and were used by 12 of 14 species. Diameters of nest-trees and available snags were below the range of optimal nest-snag diameters reported in other studies, indicating the need for site-specific snag management guidelines. In chapter 4, I combine a study of basic ecological principles with endangered species management to examine interactions within the cavity-nesting bird community at Eglin. I used a nest web to identify a potential indirect interaction between the red-cockaded woodpecker and large secondary cavity-nesters, mediated by the northern flicker. I used structural equation modeling to test a path model of this interaction. By experimentally manipulating cavity availability, I blocked links described in the model, confirming cavity creation and enlargement as mechanisms that influence this indirect relationship. I demonstrated that a red-cockaded woodpecker cavity-management technique could disrupt this indirect relationship by affecting northern flicker behavior, and provided an empirical example of how, in interactive ecological communities, single-species management can have indirect effects on non-target species.en
dc.description.degreePh. D.en
dc.publisherVirginia Techen
dc.rightsIn Copyrighten
dc.subjectecosystem engineeren
dc.subjectstructural equation modelingen
dc.subjectred-cockaded woodpeckeren
dc.subjectColaptes auratusen
dc.subjectnest weben
dc.subjectPicoides borealisen
dc.subjectlongleaf pineen
dc.subjectnorthern flickeren
dc.subjectendangered species managementen
dc.subjectindirect interactionen
dc.subjectkeystone speciesen
dc.titleExperimental study of an avian cavity-nesting community: nest webs, nesting ecology, and interspecific interactionsen
thesis.degree.disciplineBiological Sciencesen
thesis.degree.grantorVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universityen
thesis.degree.namePh. D.en


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