Power System Stability Improvement with Decommissioned Synchronous Machine Using Koopman Operator Based Model Predictive Control
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Traditional generators have been decommissioned or replaced by renewable energy generation due to utility long-standing goals. However, instead of flattening the entire plant, the rotating mass of generator can be utilized as a storage unit (inertia resource) to mitigate the frequency swings during transient caused by the renewables. The goal of this work is to design a control strategy utilizing the decommissioned generator interfaced with power grid via a back-to-back converter to provide inertia support. This is referred to as decoupled synchronous machine system (DSMS). On top of that, the grid-side converter is capable of providing reactive power as an auxiliary voltage controller. However, in a practical setting, for power utilities, the detailed state equations of such device as well as the complicated nonlinear power system are usually unobtainable making the controller design a challenging problem. Therefore, a model free, purely data-driven strategy for the nonlinear controller design using Koopman operator-based framework is proposed. Besides, the time delay embedding technique is adopted together with Koopman operator theory for the nonlinear system identification. Koopman operator provides a linear representation of the system and thereby the classical linear control algorithms can be applied. In this work, model predictive control is adopted to cope with the constraints of the control signals. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed system are demonstrated in Kundur two-area system and IEEE 39-bus system.