Change Management of Long Term Composed Services


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Virginia Tech


We propose a framework for managing changes in Long term Composed Services (LCSs). The key components of the proposed framework include a Web Service Change Management Language (SCML), change enactment, and change optimization. The SCML is a formal language to specify top-down changes. It is built upon a formal model which consists of a Web service ontology and a LCS schema. The Web service ontology gives a semantic description on the important features of a service, including functionality, quality, and context. The LCS schema gives a high-level overview of a LCS's key features. A top-down change is specified as the modification of a LCS schema in the first place. Change enactment is the process of reacting to a top-down change. It consists of two subcomponents, including change reaction and change verification. The change reaction component implements the proposed change operators by modifying a LCS schema and the membership of Web services. The change verification component ensures that the correctness of a LCS is maintained during the process of change reaction. We propose a set of algorithms for the processes of change reaction and verification. The change optimization component selects the Web services that participate in a LCS to ensure that the change has been reacted to in the best way. We propose a two-phase optimization process to select services using both service reputation and service quality. We present a change management system that implements the proposed approaches. We also conduct a set of simulations to assess the performance.



Change Management, Top-down, Ontology, Long term Composed Services
