Superuniversality in phase-ordering disordered ferromagnets


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American Physical Society


The phase-ordering kinetics of the ferromagnetic two-dimensional Ising model with uniform bond disorder is investigated by intensive Monte Carlo simulations. Simple aging behavior is observed in the single-time correlator and the two-time responses and correlators. The dynamical exponent z and the autocorrelation exponent lambda(C) only depend on the ratio epsilon/T, where epsilon describes the width of the distribution of the disorder, whereas a more complicated behavior is found for the nonequilibrium exponent a of the two-time response as well as for the autoresponse exponent lambda(R). The scaling functions are observed to depend only on the dimensionless ratio epsilon/T. If the length scales are measured in terms of the time-dependent domain size L(t), the form of the scaling functions is in general independent of both epsilon and T. Conditions limiting the validity of this "superuniversality" are discussed.



ageing, critical exponents, ferromagnetism, ising model, monte carlo, methods, local scale-invariance, domain growth, random impurities, random, magnets, nonequilibrium dynamics, spin-glasses, systems, kinetics, autocorrelation, models, physics, condensed matter


Henkel, M.; Pleimling, M., "Superuniversality in phase-ordering disordered ferromagnets," Phys. Rev. B 78, 224419 DOI: