Conceptual Landscape Master Plan for Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity


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Virginia Tech. Community Design Assistance Center


Alpha Gamma Rho is social and professional Agricultural fraternity that seeks to provide its members with opportunities for social interaction and professional development as they pursue careers in agriculture, food, or fiber industries.

With the advent of development surrounding the fraternity house and changes in the configuration of local roads, the Alpha Gamma Rho site became bounded by roads on all sides. Views in and out of the site required screening for privacy and directing views. Site circulation, entrance locations, and parking also changed due to the reconfiguration of roads.

The Community Design Assistance Center (CDAC) was hired to work with the Alpha Gamma Rho Alumni Board to develop a landscape master plan for the site that addressed entry experience; site circulation and parking suggestions; recreational site master planning recommendations; and planting recommendations for privacy, aesthetics, and environmental stewardship/education.


