

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 990 is a form filed by nonprofit organizations. These forms collect information about the organization's finances, officers, contributors, and other information. These forms are required to be published by law. Starting in 2011, the IRS made the data available in an AWS bucket. As of 2020, the IRS has published the data on its website.

In Spring 2022, Dr. Zach approached Dr. Fox with the TaxData project. He began working with groups of students to compile this data into a database and to begin analyzing the data. In the Spring 2022 semester, a group of students from the CS 4624: Multimedia, Hypertext, and Information Access capstone. This capstone built a basic database and began to parse the data. In the Fall 2022 semester, one student took over the project and modified the database to be more effective.

This semester, we took over the project from where it was previously left off. Dr. Zach tasked us with creating visualizations that show correlations in the data. He wanted to be able to easily input a list of EINs and showcase a variety of graphs and charts for that list. These visualizations were then to be put on an interactive dashboard where all visualizations could be seen in one easy-to-access location.

The report outlines the additional work we completed this semester through: Objectives, Deliverables, Requirements, Design, Implementation, Testing, User Manual, Developer's Manual, and Lessons Learned.

The work completed this semester includes an interactive dashboard that will allow users to view the visualizations created and explore the data with different filters, as well as various visualizations completed based on a list given to us by Dr. Zach. In the future, we recommend the database be made more efficient by combining the tables so they are no longer by year, but only by form type. We also believe that it would be more efficient for both users and developers if the database and dashboard be published to a server that is easier to access.



Form 990, Form 990-EZ, Schedule J, Visualization, Dashboard, Tourism
