Strongly correlated electron ground_state energy approximations for Anderson_like models

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American Institute of Physics


We report preliminary results of convergence properties for nonperturbative resolvent approximations to Anderson_like models of magnetic ions in metals. Our study is initially focused on the spin_ 1/2 Anderson model for magnetic impurities, but the methods studied can include multiplet and crystal_field effects which are needed for more accurate descriptions of real systems. We will compare the nonperturbative Lanczos method (tridiagonalization) and similar truncation schemes to exact ground_state energies for the impurity model and assess the efficacy of these nonperturbative approaches to understanding the Anderson lattice, heavy fermions, and other strongly interacting electronic systems.



Heavy fermion systems, Heavy fermions, Lattice fermion models, Statistical properties, Strong interactions


Mancini, J. D., Potter, C. D., Bowen, S. P. (1987). Strongly correlated electron ground_state energy approximations for Anderson_like models. Journal of Applied Physics, 61(8), 3168-3170. doi: 10.1063/1.337829