Some Advances in Local Approximate Gaussian Processes
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Nowadays, Gaussian Process (GP) has been recognized as an indispensable statistical tool in computer experiments. Due to its computational complexity and storage demand, its application in real-world problems, especially in "big data" settings, is quite limited. Among many strategies to tailor GP to such settings, Gramacy and Apley (2015) proposed local approximate GP (laGP), which constructs approximate predictive equations by constructing small local designs around the predictive location under certain criterion. In this dissertation, several methodological extensions based upon laGP are proposed. One methodological contribution is the multilevel global/local modeling, which deploys global hyper-parameter estimates to perform local prediction. The second contribution comes from extending the laGP notion of "locale" to a set of predictive locations, along paths in the input space. These two contributions have been applied in the satellite drag emulation, which is illustrated in Chapter 3. Furthermore, the multilevel GP modeling strategy has also been applied to synthesize field data and computer model outputs of solar irradiance across the continental United States, combined with inverse-variance weighting, which is detailed in Chapter 4. Last but not least, in Chapter 5, laGP's performance has been tested on emulating daytime land surface temperatures estimated via satellites, in the settings of irregular grid locations.