Control and Modeling of High-Frequency Voltage Regulator Modules for Microprocessor Application


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Virginia Tech


The future voltage regulator module (VRM) challenges of high bandwidth control with fast transient response, high current output, simple implementation, and efficient 48V solution are tackled in this dissertation. With the push for control bandwidth to meet design specifications for microprocessor VRM with larger and faster load transients, control can be saturated and lost for a significant period of time during transient. During this time, undesirable transient responses such as large undershoot and ringback occurs. Due to the loss of control, the existing tools to study the dynamic behavior of the system, such as small signal model, are insufficient to analyze the behavior of the system during this time. In order to have a better understanding of the system dynamic performance, the operation the VRM is analyzed in the state-plane for a clear visual understanding of the steady-state and transient behaviors.
Using the state-plane, a simplified state-plane trajectory control is proposed for constant on-time (COT) control to achieve the best transient possible for applications with adaptive voltage positioning (AVP). When the COT control is lost during a load step-up transient, the state-plane trajectory control will extend on-time to provide the a near optimal transient response. By observing the COT control law in the state-plane, a simplified state-plane trajectory control with analog implementation is proposed to achieve the best transient possible with smooth transitions in and out of the steady-state COT control. The concept of the simplified state-plane trajectory control is then extended to multiphase COT. For multiphase operation, additional operating behavior, such as phase overlapping during transient and interleaving during steady-state, need to be taken into consideration to design the desired state-plane trajectory control. A simple state-plane trajectory control with improved Ton extension is proposed and verified using multiphase COT control. After tackling the state-plane trajectory control for current mode COT, the idea is then extended to V2 COT. V2 COT is a more advanced current mode control which requires a more advanced state-plane trajectory control to COT. By calculating the intersection of the extended on-stage trajectory during transient and the ideal off trajectory in the form of a current limiting wall, a near optimal transient response can be achieved. For V2 COT with state-plane trajectory control, implementations using inductor vs. capacitor current, effect of component tolerance, and effect of IC delay are studied. The proposed state-plane trajectory control is then extended to enhanced V2 COT. Aside from tackling existing VRM challenges, the future datacenter 48V VRM challenge of a high efficiency, high power density solution to meet the VRM specifications is studied. The sigma converter is proposed for the 48V VRM solution due to exhibition of high efficiency and high-power density from hardware evaluation. An accurate model for the sigma converter is derived using the new modeling approach of modularizing the small signal components. Using the proposed model, the sigma converter is shown to naturally have very low output impedance, making the sigma converter suitable for microprocessor applications. The sigma converter is designed and optimized to achieve AVP and very fast transient response using both voltage-mode and current-mode controls.



Microprocessor voltage regulator, constant on-time control, V2 COT control, state-plane trajectory, high bandwidth, transient, sigma converter
