Dynamical phase transition of a one-dimensional transport process including death


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American Physical Society


Motivated by biological aspects related to fungus growth, we consider the competition of growth and corrosion. We study a modification of the totally asymmetric exclusion process, including the probabilities of injection alpha and death of the last particle delta. The system presents a phase transition at delta(c)(alpha), where the average position of the last particle < L > grows as root t. For delta> delta(c), a nonequilibrium stationary state exists while for delta <delta(c) the asymptotic state presents a low density and max current phases. We discuss the scaling of the density and current profiles for parallel and sequential updates.



exclusion process, molecular motors, hyphal growth, morphogenesis, fungi, Physics


Dorosz, S. ; Mukherjee, S. ; Platini, T., Apr 2010. "Dynamical phase transition of a one-dimensional transport process including death," PHYSICAL REVIEW E 81(4) Part 1: 042101. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.81.042101