Electric quantum oscillations in Weyl semimetals


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Electronic transport in Weyl semimetals is quite extraordinary due to the topological property of the chiral anomaly generating the charge pumping between two distantWeyl nodes with opposite chiralities under parallel electric and magnetic fields. Here, we develop a full nonequilibrium quantum transport theory of the chiral anomaly, based on the fact that the chiral charge pumping is essentially nothing but the Bloch oscillation. Specifically, by using the Keldysh nonequilibrium Green function method, it is shown that there is a rich structure in the chiral anomaly transport, including the negative magnetoresistance, the non-Ohmic behavior, the Esaki-Tsu peak, and finally the resonant oscillation of the dc electric current as a function of electric field, called the electric quantum oscillation. We argue that, going beyond the usual behavior of linear response, the non-Ohmic behavior observed in BiSb alloys can be regarded as a precursor to the occurrence of electric quantum oscillation, which is both topologically and energetically protected in Weyl semimetals.


